Emigration Expo 2024

A group of people is standing at the exhibition booth.

Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskus

April 30, 2024
10:30 am
More information

Participate free-of-charge in the recruitment fair in the Netherlands!

Your company has the opportunity to gain visibility and have employment opportunities promoted at the recruitment fair held in Houten on 6th-7th April 2024. By sending us the details of your job vacancies, we are able to market them on our impressive Finland Works stand.


Emigration Expo is Europe's largest emigration event which is visited annually by around 12,000 experts considering work-based emigration. They have expertise in various sectors such as the technology industry, social and health care, service industries and sales. Could there be suitable candidates for your company in the Netherlands?


You can join us by sending information about open positions by 1st April 2024 to
eures.varsinais-suomi@te-toimisto.fi where you can also get more information if needed.