Meet the partners

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is part of the Finnish Government and creates the conditions necessary for economically, socially, and ecologically sustainable growth by focusing on finding skilled people high-quality jobs and increasing productivity and employment.

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KEHA Centre provides direct support to ELY and TE centres in Finland and is responsible for streamlining administrative tasks and operations and monitoring the implementation of various projects. KEHA Centre and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment also collaboratively provide the Job Market Finland service, which offers job opportunities as well as services for employers.

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The main goals of European Employment Services, or EURES, are to improve transparency and information on job opportunities, enhance living and working conditions across borders, help with job placement and recruitment, and facilitate cooperation between member organisations and stakeholders.

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The Finnish Immigration Service / Migri

The Finnish Immigration Service is the decision-making organisation for matters related to immigration, asylum, refugee status, and citizenship and maintains the country’s reception system. The agency implements Finnish immigration policies and promotes controlling immigration, simplifying administration, and upholding human rights.

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The Employment and Economic Development Office / TE Office

The Employment and Economic Development Office is a state authority that organises and produces employment and economic development services. The services of TE Offices are meant for job seekers, employers, and entrepreneurs in Finland. 

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Business Finland

By accelerating companies' sustainable growth, Business Finland generates prosperity and well-being for Finnish society. Business Finland helps customer companies grow and succeed globally, develop solutions for the future, and renew their business operations boldly. Business Finland is a public sector operator and part of the Team Finland network.

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Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment

The Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centres) promote regional development by managing the central government’s implementation and development tasks in the areas of economic development, transportation, and the environment. Finland has a total of 15 ELY Centres, which are tasked with promoting regional competitiveness, well-being, and sustainable development, as well as curbing climate change.

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